
What do hippies, Hitler and 4/20 have in common?

What do hippies, Hitler, and 4/20 have to do with each other?

Well, 4/20 is April 20th. That's Hitler's birthday. Hippies selected 4/20 as a day of celebration. You know, maybe hippies are a little darker-hearted. I mean, hippies love the VW bug. Okay? Designed by the furor. Hippies love socialism and won't shut up about it.

Guess who else was a socialist?


Vegetarianism, hippies love it. Another area where hippies followed Hitler's lead. Environmentalism. Hippies love hugging trees. Guess where that came from? The Nazi's quest for wholeness. They were environmentalist nutjobs.

Organic farming. Stupid hippies love organic anything. Guess who started that scam? The Nazis. The occult.

Hippies love the occult. They can't get enough of it. Who shared the same feeling? Hitler. Alternative medicine, hippies hate modern medicine, because Big Pharma is bad. Well, guess who they got that from? Yeah, Hitler. Uh-huh. But he's like the modern hippies that have put on a suit. He really pushed for, you know, alternative medicine, but he also at the same time, embraced Big Pharma.

Uh-huh. Who is doing that now? Hippies. I'm just saying. I'm just saying.

Hippies and Hitler. Notice they both start with an H. And have an I, as the next letter.

STU: Wow.

CBS News EXPOSED its REAL agenda with 60 Minutes editing scandal response

CBS News EXPOSED its REAL agenda with 60 Minutes editing scandal response

After 2 weeks of criticism, CBS News has finally released a statement on its “60 Minutes” editing scandal … and it was very snarky. CBS News insisted that its editing of Kamala Harris’ answers wasn’t “deceitful.” It also claimed that the 2 cuts of Harris’ response to a question about Israel were from the same question/answer segment, and not taken from another part of the interview. But Glenn still has a few questions: Why did it take so long to put this statement out? Why was it so snarky? And will CBS News release the interview’s full transcript? If you’ve had enough of the mainstream media’s games, Glenn and Stu share the most effective way for you to let your voice be heard.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: So 60 minutes, finally came out.

Now it's been what? Twelve days. Fourteen days.

STU: A couple of weeks, yeah.

GLENN: A couple of weeks.

And there's been one question. Hey. Why is one answer different in the promo, than the answer you aired the next night, in the special, from Kamala Harris?

Kamala Harris was asked a question, and she gave this long convoluted answer pop Face the Nation. From that interview.

Then when it aired the next day, on CBS. The whole interview. It wasn't anything like that.

So people have been saying, can you release the transcript and release the video footage?

They always do that. For the full unedited interview, go to, right?

They always do that, at least the transcript. So we've been asking for the transcript. You've been asking for the transcript.

The government has been asking for the transcript. Of the unedited interview.

So 60 minutes takes them two weeks to respond over the weekend with this. Sixty minutes gave an excerpt of our interview to face the nation, that used a longer section of her answer, than on 60 Minutes.

The statement claimed. Same question. Same answer. But a different portion of the response.

It was more succinct, which allows time for other subjects in a wide-ranging 21-minute long subject.

Then they said, but remember, Mr. Trump pulled out of his interview with 60 Minutes. And the vice president participated.

So, wow. Is that -- why was that last line necessary in answering the other question?

That shows, they have an agenda. Why wouldn't they release this?

It's taken them two weeks.

STU: I really don't get it. Other than, there's something there, they're literally trying to hide.

GLENN: Clearly. Clearly.

STU: You can argue, in some way -- like, if someone demanded to us release a transcript of something.

Screw you. We will do what we want.

Like you could see sort of an indignant response. It's our material.

We will release what we want.

That's not the argument we're making. They're not making any argument. They're not even addressing why.

They keep saying, well, we edited to make a 20-minute segment. Well, you have 45 minutes with her.

What happened to the other 24 minutes. Why didn't you release that? You didn't to have put it in the show, even. As you point out, you could put it online.

GLENN: So here's what you need to do. You need to email. Or write snail mail.

I would suggest email. Email the stations. Make it to the general manager.

You look for your local CBS television station.

And you ask them, why they are not demanding for their own local audience. To be informed on what looks like CBS news election interference.

Here's why you write that.

Because a letter has to be saved. Any complaint like that, has to be saved for the FCC.
That's how you get their license pulled.

You don't do it, you know, nationally. CBS news doesn't have a license. But the local stations have licenses.

And those local stations will call up to CBS. And say, what are you doing to us?

Release that information.

So if you want results on this, call -- I'm sorry.

Write snail mail. Or email the general manager of your local CBS station. Do it today.

GLENN: Big news, tomorrow, I'm releasing my next book. Propaganda Wars. How the global elite control what you see, think, and feel.

We all know that we're watching propaganda. It dominates every part of our lives now. From our children's biology textbooks to presidential debate stages.

But what most people don't understand is how powerful and well-organized this propaganda scheme has become. Who are the main players that are transforming our un.

What do they have planned?

What can we do to stop them?

Find out tomorrow. Join me in the fight to take our country back.

Preorder propaganda wars now at or Amazon.

Wherever you get your books.

It's out tomorrow.

The -- the audiobook is tremendous, I think.

It's really, really good.

This one will tell you how to stop things.

For instance, not in this book. But let me give you one of the things that will be helpful for CBS.

We were just talking about it a minute ago. You want to stop the propaganda. Well, it seems like you can't get any answers from CBS, right?

Even Congress won't give it. They won't give an answer to Congress.

So they're hiding something. So how do you get to CBS?

CBS cares about its local affiliates.

And if the local affiliates are squeezed, they will report that to the -- to the FCC. Because they have to! So I want you to write a letter to your local CBS affiliate. Your local television.

CBS affiliate. And write it to the general manager.

CC the FCC.

So they know, there's record of this. Because all of those letters have to be saved for their renewal of their license.

And if there is an overwhelming number of letters, addressing this propaganda. And using language, about your local community.

We don't care what the rest of the country might be thinking. But we believe this is propaganda from the network.

How can you, as a local station stand by, and allow this to happen. We demand answers, from CBS.

They won't give them, the answers.

Well, you should be asking for those answers.

Otherwise, you're not serving your community. Make sure you put that in.

You're not serving your community. That's how license challenges come up.

And there isn't anyone who is a general manager, who likes to see a letter like that.

No one. Because that just gives the FCC ammunition. You just want the FCC to walk in. See your public file. And go, okay. You're good.

You don't want anything that just makes that sticky. They will call if you're starting to give them lots of letters. They will call CBS and say, can you edit this please, because this is killing us?

STU: It's a similar approach, that many took toward -- and you discussed earlier about Bud Light. It wasn't called Bud Light.

It was a tweet to Bud Light. It was talk to the distributors. And that made a real difference in that moment.

GLENN: Yeah, it was the distributors that broke the back finally. Because, remember, the distributors said, we're not going to take Bud Light.

We're not going to take it. The local bars, we're not going to take it.

And so once those distributors fall apart, they're in trouble.

STU: And it's important to understand, with 60 minutes. This is a supposedly -- a news organization.

A news program.

The news program.

GLENN: Right. Right.

STU: We are not asking them, hey. You need to ask tougher questions of Kamala Harris.

Obviously, I feel like they should.

But it's their editorial control on that aspect.

What we're asking for is what actually occurred.

We've got a presidential election decision to make. Can you tell us what went on here?

And I will be honest. At the beginning of this. They edit.

GLENN: We always do.

STU: I try to give the benefit of the doubt, whenever necessary.

Or wherever possible.

Because, you know, I'm a conservative.

And my personal political bias, is to want one side to win.

So I try to question that all the time, so I'm not just randomly. There's so many people, on the freaking internet.

Saying, everything that is good for their side.

I don't want to be that person.

GLENN: I don't either.

STU: So at the beginning of this, I kind of suspected.

60 minutes edits this stuff all the time.

You're right. They will typically release larger portions. Or context alone.

GLENN: Especially if there's a problem or question.

STU: Journalists would react that way.

We're not asking for them. We're not micromanaging the way they ask questions.

Or why didn't they follow up on this. We can complain about that all day.

We just want to know what occurred.

There's a 45-minute interview. In which they aired 21 minutes. Why are we not knowing what happened in the other 24 minutes?

Why? What happened there?

At the beginning, I was skeptical, it was something really bad for the Harris campaign. The way they're acting here, the fact that after all this pressure, they haven't just said, okay. Here it is. Just look at it.

We didn't do anything wrong.

You might have thought we made a wrong editorial choice, but it's all right there. The fact that they haven't done that in 2 weeks, makes me think, something really bad happened.

Something where she really said something, that might really damage her campaign.

And I don't know -- I don't know what to think, other than that.

This is bizarre behavior from an organization that is supposed to be protecting its journalistic credentials.

GLENN: And, you know what, it may not even be on that question.

That question --

STU: I know. It might not at all.

GLENN: Yeah. But that leads us to believe, if they're editing that question, what other questions did they -- did they do anywhere?

You need the full transcript. And the full tape.

STU: Exactly.

GLENN: Like you said, 41 minutes.

Here's what really doesn't make sense to me.

You have a woman, that is not doing interviews.

At the time, this aired. She had just started giving interviews.

So it's her first major interview, since. Who was it? ABC, I think.

STU: Dana Bash did one, with both of them. Remember that?

GLENN: Right. So it's her first major network solo interview. All right?

STU: Solo.

In a time, where everyone wants to see it. I mean, we watched it. I don't want to watch -- I'm not watching it, if Joe Biden is giving an interview. I've seen it.

Been there, done that. I've got it. I and everyone else in America. Even her supporters, wants to know where she actually stands on things.

So why would you have a 40-minute interview.

You have 41 minutes in an hour.


And why would they only use 21 minutes with all of the setup and everything else.

That's probably. They probably used. I'll be generous.

They used 16 minutes of her actually speaking.


Why wouldn't you -- why wouldn't you want to drive traffic even to your -- your website?

STU: Yeah.

GLENN: Why wouldn't you make the entire thing.

It's not your Sunday, typical 60 Minutes. Why wouldn't you make the whole thing. Just that we sat down for an hour long interview. And you'll see it this week, on 60 minutes. Why wouldn't you do that?

STU: And I watched that whole hour, Glenn, as I mentioned. They had Tim Walz on for a second, which is moderately defensible. It's kind of a strange choice. When you have more material from Kamala Harris. Why wouldn't you air that. Instead of a Tim Walz interview, which no one cares about.

But he's on the ticket. Okay. Kind of defensible. The last 20 minutes of the show, was some produced piece about whether the Arizona election was stolen in 2020.

Like I -- and obviously, with the very heavy tilt, that it was not. And look at all these poor people that -- like campaign workers. Who got bad tweets sent to them. And things like that.

Like, you want to cover that. Right?

I don't see why it's really relevant right now. All right. Maybe you think it is.

But the idea that you would bump 15 minutes of a Kamala Harris interview with this context around it.

To air a pre-produced piece about what happened in the 2020 election in Arizona. What the hell is that -- that's the most insane decision of all time.

You want to throw stupid Tim Walz on there for a few minutes. Maybe you can defend that. Indefensible.

To leave 24 minutes on the cutting room floor of Kamala Harris.

When you're airing that. Air that another week. This is a prime time special.

This makes no sense at all.

GLENN: I would post your letter to the GM or the vice presidents of your local CBS stations.

I would post them on X.

Let people see that.

STU: Yeah. Tag us as well.

GLENN: Yeah. Tag the FCC. Make sure you tag the FCC.

STU: Note, as Glenn noted. The words, community, standards.

GLENN: Yeah. You're not serving your community.

STU: Serving your community.

GLENN: This is not helpful to our local community.

Because that's the directive, that they have to hit.

The SHOCKING TRUTH about Trump's McDonald’s appearance

The SHOCKING TRUTH about Trump's McDonald’s appearance

Donald Trump recently stopped by a Pennsylvania McDonald’s to make French fries and work the drive thru. But, according to the media, this is actually a big scandal! It’s McDonaldsGate! - McGate? - And Glenn is here to expose it all: Did you know Trump didn’t ACTUALLY get a job at McDonald’s?! And those customers he served were – gasp! – screened beforehand! Can the media be any dumber, Glenn asks? Of course the customers were screened before meeting a man who has already survived 2 assassination attempts! But did the media see the crowd outside the venue? And do they really want to bring up “authenticity” when Kamala Harris is Trump’s opponent?


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: All right. I have to get to this McDonald's gate. McDonald's gate is really bad, Stu.

STU: I know. What do you mean?

It was a nice moment. Here's a guy, who is a billionaire. Who goes through, the McDonald hiring process.

GLENN: Please, do not spread any more mis or disinformation.

Here's the audio of Trump, managing the drive-thru at a McDonald's. Okay?

DONALD: Well, that's a good-looking group. Hold on, everybody. This is not a normal situation.

What a good-looking family. How did you produce those good-looking kids? Oh, they look -- how are you?

Nice to see you.

Thank you very much.

Thank you!

And there will be no charge, is that okay? Oh. You're doing some extra stuff.

This is all on Trump.

I'm allowed to do that, right?

VOICE: It's everything you've ever said it would be.

DONALD: It better be. I made it myself.

GLENN: Now. As could you tell as that is. Here's, quote, working, end quote, the fryolator.

STU: Okay.

VOICE: Bring that one up. I will take care of these.

STU: He's training.

GLENN: And he's making fries. Making fries.

Okay. Now, I found out, after I was bamboozled, by this video.

STU: Yeah.

GLENN: I found out today, from the press, that he didn't actually work at McDonald's.

STU: What did you mean? I just saw it --

GLENN: This was a, quote, publicity stunt.

STU: What do you mean a publicity stunt? I --

GLENN: No. No.

They -- the people in line, they were all hand selected. So they weren't just strangers driving up to the drive-thru.

STU: They weren't?

GLENN: No. No.

They checked to make sure they were the right people. And you know what I mean by right people.

STU: No.

GLENN: People without guns.

STU: Oh, my gosh. So they screened.

GLENN: They screened them. Has that ever happened to you at a McDonald's drive-thru.

STU: Glenn, I have to tell you, I worked at McDonald. That was my first job. At no point, did they screen customers to come up and make sure that they were people I liked, or supported me in any way. These were just random people who walked into the McDonald's. And came up and put in the order, that they wanted at that time.

GLENN: And I bet you, had to go through an application --

STU: Yes.

GLENN: -- situation.

STU: I had to do an interview.

GLENN: You didn't just walk in and say, I'm here to work at a McDonald's.

And then they hand you the apron. That's the way it happened with him!

STU: So he didn't take the test beforehand.

GLENN: He didn't take the McDonald's test.

STU: Well, they have a little, hey. Review thing.

If I remember back in the day.

GLENN: So it's kind of a test like, are you crazy? Are you going to shoot us?

STU: No, that's not required at all.

They didn't care about that. They just wanted to make sure that I could make the fries. This is a disgrace!

GLENN: It's a disgrace. Yeah. Yeah.

STU: After all I went through to get that job, he walks in there. By the way, you have to get up in the organization to be working the drive-thru. It's not the first thing he's doing.

GLENN: Skips all of it. Skips all of it.

STU: This is unbelievable.

GLENN: He is practically the president of McDonald's.

STU: How did they uncover this stuff?

GLENN: Good journalism. Good journalism.

STU: I guess so. And they're not saying the video is AI.

GLENN: No. It's real video.

STU: What a scam. I'm voting for Kamala Harris.

She's the only honest person who seeming has worked for McDonald's. But has no evidence of it whatsoever.

GLENN: No. We don't think that she worked for McDonald's.

She just doesn't have.

By the way, here is the crowd, in front of the McDonald's.

Look at this. My gosh.

STU: Thousands of people out there.

GLENN: I mean, thousands and thousands of people out there. I've never seen an election like this.

I mean, it is -- it is crazy. Is that not just nuts?

But it goes on and on and on.

STU: It really is an impressive crowd.

Look, Donald Trump does not have a problem to get crowds to go see him.

They love him.

GLENN: People stand across the street for McDonald's.

STU: I wish I was dedicated enough for he never to do that happen.

I can't think of anything. Maybe if they were releasing a new McFlurry. I might do something like that.

GLENN: By the way -- because I want to be fair and balanced. Let me put in this message. Cut five, please. This message from Kamala Harris.

KAMALA: And, look, we all see sing Happy Tunes and Merry Christmas. And wish each other Merry Christmas. These children are not going to have a Merry Christmas.

GLENN: Oh, no.

KAMALA: How dare we speak Merry Christmas. How dare we!

STU: Wow, that connects with me.

You know, that really pushes me toward her campaign. You know, I'm just like, wow. I also despise all of our traditions, and things that make me feel good about our country.

GLENN: Thank goodness, somebody has finally said it.

STU: Gosh, I feel so in line with Kamala Harris.

Now, that video is so would pop

I don't know why she doesn't bring it back up. It just connects.

Your Christmas memories are disgusting. She's revolted by your holiday.

GLENN: How dare you.

STU: Yeah. That's great.

GLENN: Here's cut 12.

KAMALA: Should never again, have the privilege of standing behind the seal of the president of the United States.

STU: God.

KAMALA: Never again!

STU: This is the typical Democrat mistake.

KAMALA: Never again. Never again.

STU: I have not heard word one from Hillary.

This is what -- you get more desperate from everyone behind. You're not being assertive enough. And now she's out there screaming with that voice.

GLENN: Do you have that one, where she's saying it like -- this was spontaneous.

STU: Oh, it was?


GLENN: You just had the one up with like 12 boxes.

To the control room.

Yeah. Play this.

KAMALA: Behind the seal of the president.

GLENN: Look at.

KAMALA: Never again. Never again.

STU: Wait. It seems like she's saying the same thing in venue after venue after venue.

GLENN: Yeah. But she brings that anger with her all the time.

STU: She emphasizes things the same way.

That's strange.

GLENN: Yeah. He should never stand behind the seal of the president of the United States.

Never again! Never again!

STU: Such a dumb, dumb season.


It's like, I can't believe they're doing --

GLENN: We were the dummies. We fell for Donald Trump actually --

STU: That's what I meant, of course.

GLENN: Yeah. Such a dumb season.

How could we be that. Stupid.

STU: Are you a little surprised?

Because I think Democrats really looked at Hillary Clinton thing that should have been -- they should have won.

2016, they should have won that election. And blew it.

GLENN: They did no introspection.

There was no thought. Like, how did we lose this?

STU: See, I thought there was.

And that's why we started with joy. Right?

I know it was BS.

GLENN: No. I think they started with joy. Because I think that was actually said about the Republican Party.

Everybody was saying that.

STU: Saying what?

GLENN: They were saying, it was so joyful.

It was like happy, at the Republican convention.

STU: So they just copied them.

GLENN: And they were like, we can't let them have joy.

STU: You might be right.

I thought it was more related to the sort of approach that Biden brought to the table. And Hillary as well.

Which was this constant top five -- five alarm fire, sort of, oh, my gosh, get on the edge of your seat. Democracy is crumbling.

Blah, blah, blah. And they stayed away from that messaging for the first month or two of her campaign. Which was interesting.

GLENN: Here's the other thing.

And Donald Trump has captured it. I mean, this is a huge -- huge change.

Donald Trump has captured the magic, the -- the joy. The fun.

You know, while she's like.

STU: Yeah.

GLENN: While she's doing that, he's having fun.

STU: Yeah. I feel like they tried the joy thing. Got a little burst.

It faded. Now they're realizing it's empty calories.

Now they're like, well, what do we do? And their only other page of the playbook is scream with the loss of democracy.

And I don't think that connects with the American people.

I really don't.

I feel like people are like, all right. We got it.

They might have really disliked everything that happened around the election.

January 6th, all those things.

But come up with an argument. Come up with an argument that's not just you repeating the same things you've been saying, every day since 2015.


It's not even since 2020.

It goes back to his initial things. He was stealing elections. Russia was helping him steal elections. Democracy is going to die. Vladimir Putin is going to come in and fix the voting. I mean, it's been constant. People are just bored of it. Bored.

And they don't believe it!

GLENN: Well, they don't believe it this time. Because she's so credible. Like yesterday when she went to church.

Yeah, did you see? She does this every Sunday. Here's cut four.

STU: Does she?

GLENN: Yeah. She walks in just to a church. And just kind of...

I'm just there to seek Jesus. Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

I shouldn't have brought that up. Because it makes me think of saying Merry Christmas, for one.

STU: This is revolting. Celebrating the birth of Jesus say disgusting thing. But let me go to church real quick. It's so fake.

GLENN: Yeah.

STU: So fake.

FBI's historic crime stat update PROVES Trump was RIGHT

FBI's historic crime stat update PROVES Trump was RIGHT

During the Trump-Harris ABC News Presidential Debate, moderator David Muir "fact checked" Trump when he said that crime is on the rise. Well, it turns out that Trump was RIGHT. Everything Trump said in response to the "fact check" has now been proven true: Crime IS up and the numbers now show it after a shockingly large FBI "stealth edit" of the 2022 data. So, will ABC News apologize? Probably not. Glenn discusses how the mainstream media has become a propaganda arm of the government and progressives.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: I want to talk to you. I found this book from mom It is the Ten Commandments does is and voting.

It is so good.

We were just going to talk about what the FBI is doing. They released in footnotes, a change to the -- the crime stats.

A massive change to crime stats.

And you're looked at Kamala Harris. They're lying, over and over and over again, about Donald Trump.

And people will say, well, Donald Trump lies too!

I want you to know, there are three types of lies.

This is from your candidate should avoid three types of lie. The ten commandment is thou shall not bear false witness.


Your candidate should avoid these three types of lies. The -- the easiest way to know if your candidates are honest. Is to look for the lies they tell.

And the way they tell them.

There are three main types of lies. Commission, omission, and paltering.

So commission is outright lying.

Deleting facts that are important, like CBS seems to be doing, is also another form of lie.

And paltering. Paltering is not as common as a lie, but it is the slipperiest one. Because paltering is using a series of truthful statements to say something false.

Okay? So how do you find -- because you have to vote for one of these two people. So how do I balance?

A lot of people say, well, they both lie.

All right. So let's do this. According to -- according to this Ten Commandments and voting pook. Candidates should be honest.

This is already a big ask. Chances are your candidates have been dishonest about something at some point.

Keep that in mind. So has everybody. This is not about perfection. This is intent.

Are your candidates trying to mislead you?

Is Donald Trump trying to mislead you?

I think the answer to that is absolutely, no.

He's not trying to mislead you.

Can you think of a lie he's told?

He's -- well, I guess -- well, you know. I had more people at that -- at my inauguration.

STU: I mean, look.

GLENN: But that's harmless.


Are they trying to be honest?

Are their motives honest and pure?

Are their policies backed by their belief?

That's one I know for sure, Donald Trump's policies are backed by his belief.

Do they follow through on their promises?

He has. How often are they dishonest.

Okay. I want to show you something that this whole system, is so corrupt. Fox. Or I'm sorry. The FBI has now come out and changed.

Covertly changing the crime stats. Okay?

Democratic operatives and the liberal media have claimed that crime is going down.

You know, and they show you the FBI data.

Well, the FBI has screwed with the numbers.

The Crime Prevention Research Center, reported that the FBI stealthily changed its crime data for 2022. A year in which cities like Phoenix, New York City, and Los Angeles, failed to submit any crime data.

And then they said, this is a finished report and crime is down.

Well, now, they say, well, okay. It didn't fall by 2.1 percent. It's actually -- it's actually up.

The 2022 violent crime rate has been updated for inclusion. There were 80,029 more violent crimes. 1600 more murders.

7,780 more rapes.

33,000 more robberies. And 37,000 more aggravated assaults.

Okay. That sounds like a big miss, doesn't it?

But here's where it gets insidious. They just put this in the footnotes. They didn't make a big deal out of it.

They continue to mess with the numbers. How many times have they gotten the unemployment rate wrong, so you get the headlines of, we're good?

And then a month later, they're like, we're not so good. Okay?

They give tells me a talking point that crime is actually down, when we all knew -- if you believe your own eyes. And don't listen to the media. You know what's true already.

And let me show you how Donald Trump is made to look like a conspiracy theorist.

Or a madman.

And how the media actually helps them do it.

This is from the debate. ABC.

DONALD: Crime is down all over the world, except here. Crime here is up and through the roof. Despite their fraudulent statements that they made, crime in this country is through the roof. And we have a new form of crime. It's called migrant crime.

And it's happening at levels that nobody thought possible.

VOICE: President Trump, as you know, the FBI says overall violent crime is actually coming down in this country.

DONALD: Excuse me, the FBI defrauded -- they were defrauding statements. They didn't include the worst cities. They didn't include the cities with the worst crime.

It was a fraud. Just like their number of 818,000 jobs that they said they created turned out to be a fraud.

GLENN: He was right!

STU: It's notable.

It wasn't Kamala Harris fact-checked on him that.

It was the moderator doing it.

GLENN: Well, she was making faces. He's crazy. What is he saying?

STU: She just didn't know. The moderator didn't know what the line was, and that was a report that was released by the FBI. But it was not complete.

And now we know what the result is.

GLENN: This, by the way, is the largest percentage increase that we've ever seen.


The largest percentage increase that we've ever seen.

In the last -- yeah. Since they've been releasing these statistics.

They have -- they have gone up, a little bit. And corrected by just a refraction of percentages.

GLENN: As far as the correction goes.

Got it.

When they have the -- the correction. It will go up just a little bit.

It's never done anything like this.

This was intentional!

Again, to give her talking points.

You'll notice, CBS, another liar. CBS will not release the transcripts.

Of two shows!

STU: This is incredible.

GLENN: They will not release the transcripts. You know when they will release them, if they have to?

After Donald Trump is elected. Okay?

Because they'll be forced to do that. But this is exactly the same thing with the Joe Biden laptop.

Nothing to see here. Nothing to see here. Nothing to see here. Oh, wait. I guess that is true!

After the decision has been made.

They're holding this for as long as they possibly can get away with it.


Because people are voting today!

If you had the information, that CBS had edited her -- her answer.

And made her look better. By pulling an answer from some other question, and putting it there. Instead of her meandering around it. In a word salad.

Would you be less likely to vote for her. Or more likely to vote for her?

Would you trust the media more or less?

It's -- it's quite remarkable.

By the way, here's some good news.

The trust in the media is at the lowest ever.

And the trust of the Supreme Court is actually up to be higher than it was before the Dobbs decision.

So while they're trashing the Supreme Court, people are looked at that argument and going, I don't think that's true. I have faith in the Supreme Court. It went down. And now it's back up.

I find that interesting, and a little bit inspiring.

STU: Yeah. That's -- that is positive.

And, you know, you get to that point. Where you watch, I think people and the media, the way they respond to these things.

And you lose -- you lose faith a little bit.

I mean, watching.

Watching this sort of stuff go on.

It's really depressing.

At times. I was watching an interview last night. The way she's so evasive.

It really became, you know, really became depressing.

They're talking about the crime stats, situation.
That was -- a media firestorm, at the time.

That, you know, he's misquoting it.

It wasn't just at the debate. This happened several other times. And the fact-checking.

You have to step in. You have to correct his facts. You know what their spin is now?

Why are we talking about 2022 crime statistics? That's way in the past. That's way in the past.

Now, it was important a few weeks ago. When she was winning debate points.

Because the moderator made Donald Trump look like he was lying.

But now we're at the position. Come on. 2022. Let's look to the future.

GLENN: That's the way it is. Every single time.

STU: It is. Every single thing they can do.

You're just at that point now, where they will do anything to get him out of -- make sure he's not office. Anything they can do to get Kamala in.

We're beyond the part where they will report on truth. And, look, I'm as skeptical as anybody on the mainstream media.

There are times, where they will report things. And they will check a box here or there.
To say, no, we covered that.

We're not in that period. When you're within a month of the election, they're not even going to try to pretend they're doing journalism anymore.

It's over. That period in your life is over.

This is not where we are anymore.

They are now going to say anything they can. At every single turn.

To the extent, all they're talking about today, in the Brett interview is that he was mean.


You got nothing out of that?

The first adversarial interview for -- and I don't even want -- I don't think adversarial is even fair.


STU: This show, would be adversarial. Her coming on this show.

Her going on that show, is the normal thing candidates do with -- with journalists.

J.D. Vance has done 60 interviews like that.

Donald Trump has probably done 15 or 20.

Kamala Harris has done one.

And the only thing you can come up with is he was mansplaining.

That's it!

Any possibility of actual coverage is over in this period.

GLENN: The mainstream media is not mainstream media anymore.

It's government propaganda.

It is an arm of the democratic party, that is doing propaganda.

That's all it is.

Next Tuesday, is that the 22nd?

Next Tuesday, my book, propaganda wars, comes out.

It shows you how to look beyond that. To be able to judge, which story is true?

How do I know a story is true? What do I -- how -- how do I decipher through all this bullcrap and what's coming next.

It's Propaganda Wars. It really is an important tool.

You can get it now. Wherever you buy your books.

You can order it. It comes out next Tuesday.

I've done the -- the book -- audiobook. And so you can get that as well.

But I would get this in paper.

Any book that you ever think is important, you should buy in paper.

You can buy it digitally. But I do two things.

I usually listen to the audiobook. And if it's worth keeping, I buy it again in paper.

Because, you know, things can change overnight.

Israel-Hamas War Proves 'the Prophecies of Revelation' Are NOW | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 232

Israel-Hamas War Proves 'the Prophecies of Revelation' Are NOW | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 232

American citizens have been caught in the cross fire in the Middle East after the Biden administration's botched Afghanistan withdrawal and the Hamas attack on Israel. But it's not the White House that has been rescuing them. It's brave American citizens ... along with a very unique member of Congress. While his colleagues sit in Washington, D.C., Rep. Cory Mills (R-Fla.) has rescued Americans from danger in Afghanistan, Israel, Haiti, and even here in the United States. Glenn calls him the “Captain America of Congress,” and, most recently, he helped save victims of Hurricane Helene in North Carolina. Rep. Mills joins "The Glenn Beck Podcast" to explain why he puts his life at risk. It all ties back to his upbringing. Unlike Kamala Harris, he wasn’t raised in a “middle class family.” He was born to two drug addicts and made his own way, served in the military, started a successful company, worked in the Trump administration, and is now fighting the swamp in Congress. He also addresses Israel’s elimination of the leader of Hamas, what he believes America would look like under a President Kamala Harris, whether Iran’s threats against Trump are serious, why he believes energy is the key to America’s power, and why he’s sure “we’re living in the prophecy of Revelation.”